Tuesday, August 4, 2015

She vs He: The Stigma.

I have approximately 18 drafts for posts that I would like to make. However, every time that I start writing on them... well.. I come up dry. The times that I am able to post something are the times that I feel the most passionate and sure of myself.

Right now, I am 100% sure that this post is necessary.

My whole life, I have lived in the confines of what society tells me is acceptable. Often, those rules are highlighted by my gender. Now, I think most people can agree that gender roles are not only sexist, but also ignorant. I'm not here to nag individuals that are stuck in the 1920's about their behavior. Instead, I'd like to point out the new, fresh form of subtle sexism.

Today, sitting on the gym at my High School, I engaged with one of my peers in a conversation about my sexuality. This is something that I have grown very comfortable in doing. I mean, if I wasn't confident enough to talk about myself to one person how could I expect to have an impact on the world? Anyway, at one point in the conversation this dude looks me dead in the eyes and says, "I mean... two girls together isn't like... as messed up as two guys together..." He continued to talk, but I had already tuned out. I would like to point out that he appeared to have good intentions and only said this after I assured him that he wouldn't offend me with whatever was on his mind.

Here is a (read as 'the') problem with that: 
For Girl + Girl > Boy + Boy to be true, than Girl > Boy must be true as well. 

As soon as he stopped talking, I presented that idea to him. I directly asked him what the difference between a cis-male and a cis-female was. Immediately, he began to name off physical characteristics. Finally, he was able to agree that men and women are EQUALS. I guess what I'm saying is this: I don't personally understand how you can believe that men and women are equal, yet condemn one more for doing the EXACT SAME THING. Not only is this obviously homophobic and sexist, but it is also VERY ignorant.

This is not even close to being the only conversation I've had along those lines. The idea of two women being together has perversely been turned into a fantasy for many. The thought of two guys kissing? Gross. Wrong. Sick.

Do you see the problem? 

Society needs to stop sexualizing women. 

I wish we could live in a world without regarding the skin color, sexual orientation, or gender expression of others. Obviously, that isn't going to happen anytime soon. That doesn't have to inhibit us from taking strides forward! I urge you to really think through the things you say. I'll be the first to admit that I often speak without thinking. It wasn't until a good friend of mine asked me a simple question, (why?) that I began to even question my way of thinking. I realized that it isn't my right to talk about something that I don't understand. I have certain privileges that I have received by just being born as who I am. (Ex.: I typically don't face racial slurs.) Everyone is privileged in one way or another. It is not my job to act like I'm not. However, it is my job to be accountable for not overstepping with my privilege. I can not use my voice to advocate for/against something that I have no true experience with.

It. Is. Not. My. Place.

This conversation with a straight-white-cis-male is a perfect example of privilege. Once again, I'm not opposed to discussing who I am or why I am that way. I am opposed to generalizing groups of people. I am also opposed to someone who can view one person doing ANYTHING as better or worse than another just because of their gender expression/sexual identification/skin color/ect..

I know that this post got kind of off topic in a few areas.

What I really hope you can take away from this is how important it is to really think about what you believe in and what you say. To speak from privilege is to speak blindly. Please make sure that there is basic logic behind whatever it is that you feel that you need to say. Humans are all equal. We are flesh and blood. You can't judge one without judging a much larger group.

*end rant*

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