Friday, July 3, 2015

Queer / The World in Labels

Some people are scared of labels. 
Some people feel confined and trapped by labels.
Others, myself included, feel empowered by labels. 

I love even just the idea of getting to choose my own labels. Labels don't have to define you; unless, you want them to. You don't have to live by your labels. Your labels are created by how you live.  

As much as everyone tries to deny it, we label each other every day. I'm labeled as 'Too Talkative.' Monica Geller is labeled as a 'Clean Freak.' Phoebe Buffay is labeled as 'Spacey.' Joey Tribbiani can be labeled as a 'Player.' (I'm watching Friends while I'm writing this.) 

"Lindsay, why were all of those labels negative?"
WELL I'LL TELL YOU. When we label each other we are typically looking for/at faults. We don't acknowledge the traits we like about each other. Instead, we put on a 'warning label.' 

By labeling myself I have the ability to create positive labels. I have the ability to validate and affirm myself. Some labels are rather controversial, though. For example, I find power in the word queer. For years, the word queer was hijacked to have a negative connotation. Recently, it has been taken back. 

Basically, queer, in this context, can be defined as anyone who identifies as outside the societal norm of gender identity or sexual orientation. 

For me, using the term queer makes me feel strong. Every time it is used in a positive context it combats those who try to use it negatively. It connects me with the rest of my community. 

Does anyone out there watch The Fosters

I do. (*If you're not caught up or don't watch, there are possible spoilers ahead.*)

Essentially, Jude wants to be Jude. He doesn't want to be 'Jude the Gay Kid.' He has lived a life with labels on and is excited to get the chance to just be Jude. (Recently, after a talk with Cole, he also found the power in labels. Which brought some really cute Jonnor moments to life on screen.)  

I mean, that seems pretty understandable to me. If someone is happy with not picking a label than they shouldn't have to. They don't have to. I get it, putting people in boxes can feel nice. To know where someone fits can make your life feel a little more organized. However, not everyone needs boxes. Not everyone wants boxes. Not everyone even understands the desire for boxes. 

So stop trying to shove everyone into boxes.

I choose to live a life in my own labels. I feel empowered. 
You can choose to live a life anyway that you want to. 
Choose your labels, or choose to not use labels. 
Exist without limits, and you will hopefully find comfort in words that can express that existence. 

I am queer. 

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