Thursday, December 24, 2015

Cancel Christmas (In My Life)

I am an atheist.
There is no one that I owe an explanation or apology to for that.

I also do not owe anyone an explanation or an apology for my refusal to participate in Christmas.
However, I'll totally explain. (Though, in no way will I attempt to apologize for it, sorry.)

First off, holidays are silly. Time is labeled by man. To celebrate a day because of a previous event on that day years ago seems... strange, to me. Thanksgiving only represents giving thanks, and in no way does it for us. Valentines Day is a day that represents giving love. However, I think that these are elements that we should carry with us into our daily lives. Every day is what you make it, and I choose to live every day as thanksgiving. (Pass the green bean casserole, please.) Therefore, the novelty of a holiday has worn off for me.

Next, Christmas-in particular-carries no weight for me. I am an atheist.  At the end of the day, Christmas is a Christian holiday. I have no desire to celebrate the 'birth of Christ' and stuff. Are Catholics expected to celebrate Hanukkah? No? So... why would an Atheist be expected to celebrate Christmas? Even my fellow Atheists have condemned me for my refusal to participate.

How I spend December 25th is my business. I won't be offended when someone tells "Merry Christmas." I won't be offended when someone tells me "Happy Hanukkah." I won't be offended when someone doesn't pass on a standard holiday greeting. None of these people have a malice intent and instead or just trying to wish me well or be on their way. I appreciate that.

However, I don't appreciate being told that I'm wrong and should celebrate anyway. Someone once tried telling me that I should celebrate it because it was an excuse to wear pajamas and eat cookies and stuff. No?

1. I no longer try to make excuses for why I live in my pajamas.
2. Now, I hardcore enjoy these and wish they were around all of the time. But snowman cookies ≠ Christmas. (Snowman cookies > Christmas.)

With all of that said, if you are an atheist and want to celebrate Christmas... DO IT. Every day on this earth is worth celebrating. Sometimes it takes cookies and elves to help realize that.

Peace, joy, giving, and love are all wonderful things. However, there is nothing binding them to December 25th. I encourage those reading this to focus on living life like every day were Christmas. Enjoy whatever holiday it is that you are celebrating, or simply enjoy your day. In the words of my idol, Ellen DeGeneres, "Be kind to one another."


  1. I too am an atheist bound to my pajamas.

  2. I find the last part of your post to be insightful and well written. However, you seem to have a common theme of hitting home that you are an atheist. You mention it a little bit more than necessary. I believe it might be a little bit better to cut back on at least the word "atheist" and find something a bit more creative to cycle through with. Also, Christmas, is more a tradition nowadays in households across the U.S. rather than celebrating the "birth of christ". That however, is my personal opinion and I could take time to defend it but it is late and well, gotta sleep at some point. I did however, like many parts how you pointed out it is definitely up to choice and it is also interesting that other atheists have slammed you for your refusal to participate in the holiday. Good post.

    1. I stated "my personal opinion" and meant "my own personal speculation". My bad.
